Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
Third person shooter Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots is stealth action game developed by Kojima Productions. Guns of the Patriots is one of the best game for the season when it was released and critically acclaimed best game form some leading gaming publications as it was reviewed as technically flawless game. This PS3 games commanding story makes it memorable along with dozens of collectables and tons of included customization options.
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
Naughty Dog developed memorable game Uncharted: Drake's Fortune and published by Sony Computer Entertainment. This game was presented when PlayStation 3 owners were highly disappointed from the other launched games. Drake's Fortune was the savior of that year by immersing you in the superior gameplay where you will found yourself in the shoes of Nathan Drake completing mission, falling in love with her girl Elena while the treasure hunting journey of the story.

Grand Theft Auto IV is from the action-adventure genre third person shooter sandbox style game developed by RockStar North. GTA IV is tremendously appreciated game having amazing mission, where you will get experience you never had before in any other series of GTA while running from cops, trying to save your friends. Game plot is planned in New York City's highly modernized city Liberty City, where Niko Bellic came to fulfill his dream but get involved in criminal gangs. This PlayStation 3 game is the best GTA series along with intense chase which will boost up your gaming experience.
Fallout 3
Fallout 3 is an action role playing game developed by Bethesda Game Studios and critically appreciated game having exceptionally great graphics. This single player game is the third part of Fallout series and plot is created in the Washington D.C. where player's character entered after his father disappears under some suspicious circumstances, than he forced to escape from Vault. Game elements are well planned having combat technicalities which are highly up to the mark and proves it one of the best gameplay for PS3 system.
Red Dead Redemption
RockStar games have good history of well performing game development and making the standard high every time for themselves. Red Dead Redemption is also one of the best blown-away productions amongst all PS3 games developed by them. This action adventure western third person shooter open world game is a classic masterpiece having wider game scope and size with tremendous graphical representation.